How Cleaning the surface of the tiles?

Clean the tile surface with a recommended cleaning product. Scrub with an abrasive rag, or rig a nylon bristle drill attachment. Pay extra attention to the bottom section, because that is usually the area with the most mildew. Rinse well. Rake the joints. Cover the drain. Carefully rake each joint with a diamond carbide rake.

Be careful not to slip, or it will leave irreparable scratch marks. The surface should be wet during this part of the process. If the grout is too solid to rake, hot water usually helps. Remove caulking with a plastic scraper. Avoid using metal scrapers and steel wool, because they will scratch the enamel on the tub.

Rinse the surface, and towel dry. Mix the grout thoroughly until it comes to a creamy consistency. Using a rubber float, apply the grout in several directions. Work in small sections so that the grout remains pliable. Make sure that the grout is packed in well. Allow twenty minutes to an hour for the grout to dry completely.

Sponge the surface. Sponge the surface of the tiles until the joints are neat, and the tile surface is clean. Soak and rinse the sponge repeatedly to avoid dragging, and over saturation. Allow twenty minutes to an hour to dry. Rubber gloves should be worn for this.

Dry dust the surface. When the surface is dry, it should look hazy. Polish the tiles with a fine rag, or an old t-shirt. Be careful not to apply pressure on the joints. If there are any stubborn spots on the tiles, they can easily be scraped off with a plastic scraper. Gloves and a dust mask should be worn for this.