
How Sealing Your Marble Shower?

Test to see if your shower needs to be sealed. Unless you have a white marble shower, you should not seal your shower. You should also not seal your shower if there is already an existing seal on it. Test to see if there is sealer by putting a couple of drops of water onto the surface of the shower and allowing the water to dry for ten minutes.

If the area is dark, it means that your marble has absorbed the water and most likely needs to be sealed again. If the sealer has pooled on top of your marble, it means that it’s already sealed. If your shower is already sealed, there’s no reason to do it again, and it can actually be detrimental to your marble.

Dust and clean the inside of your shower with a damp rag. The first step before you seal your shower is to make sure that all the dust and dirt that may be built up is removed before you seal it in. Wipe down your shower with a damp rag and water, then dry it with a clean rag. Make sure that your shower is dry and free of dirt before you start sealing.

Spray down your shower with the sealer and wipe it in. Spray down your shower with the sealer and use a sponge or a rag to wipe the sealer in. Work your way from the top of the shower to the bottom of the shower and try to apply even coats throughout it. Some popular brands of marble sealer include DuPont Stone Sealer and Miracle Sealants.

It’s important that you get a penetrating sealer and not a topical sealer for stone like marble. Allow the sealer to soak for 15 minutes. During this period the sealer will be absorbed by the marble. You should start to see the marble turn a darker color as it absorbs the sealer.

How to Deep Cleaning a Toilet?

Put on clean gloves and a plastic apron. Use a dedicated pair of waterproof rubber gloves to clean your toilet. A plastic apron will protect your clothing. Toilets can be a haven for bacteria – you’ll want to keep your hands as clean and dry as possible when you’re cleaning yours. Keep these gloves separate from your other gloves. It’s handy to buy your toilet gloves in a different color than your other rubber gloves – you don’t accidentally want to mistake them for your dish-washing gloves.

Wipe down the toilet with a damp sponge. It can be handy to give your toilet an initial once-over with hot water. While you’re cleaning the rest of the toilet, this will sink in, loosening up dirt and grime and making your later efforts easier. Moisten a sponge with hot water and wipe around the tank, lid, seat, base, and exterior of the bowl. Often, this will be enough to completely remove dirt without the need for special cleaning products.

Apply toilet cleaner to the inside of the bowl. Specially-formulated toilet cleaners can help you eliminate stains, rings, and mineral deposits in your toilet. Squirt or dab cleaner on the inside of the rim of the bowl, allowing it to drip down the sides of the bowl and into the water.

It’s important to apply cleaner to the inside of the bowl’s rim – this area is often ignored, which can lead to gross brown mineral buildup along the rim. Read the manufacturer’s instructions for the cleaner you use. Many cleaners work best if you allow them to soak in the bowl before proceeding. If so, take a short break before the next step.

Scrub the bowl with a toilet brush. Using a firm-bristled toilet brush, scrub the entire bowl thoroughly, paying special attention to any mineral stains that may accumulate along the water level and at the back of the bowl.