
How Removing Stains from the Ceramic Sink?

Soak the sink with a bleach solution. In an empty plastic spray bottle, combine a 1:1 solution of bleach and water. Lightly shake the bottle to mix the solution. Open the window or turn on your bathroom fan before you start spraying the bleach solution, as this will provide ventilation. Then, spray the bleach solution over the entire interior surface of the ceramic sink. Let the bleach mixture sit and soak for about 10 minutes. Then, use a sponge or an old rag to wipe the sink clean.

Bleach is a strong chemical and can be very harmful if ingested or sprayed in the eyes. Use caution when spraying bleach, consider wearing safety goggles or at least rubber gloves, and wear clothing that you don’t care about. If there are young children in your house, make sure that they’re not near the sink when you’re spraying bleach.

Apply cream of tartar and vinegar. If you would prefer to not use any chemical cleaners, you can remove stains from the ceramic with a mixture of cream of tartar and vinegar. Combine the cream of tartar and the vinegar at a 1:1 ratio in a small mixing bowl, and stir them together. Then, spoon some of the mixture onto the stains on your ceramic. Let this sit for about 10 minutes, and wipe clean with a sponge.

This method will also work if you substitute hydrogen peroxide for the vinegar. All three of these ingredients can be purchased at your local grocery store or supermarket. Scrub the stain gently with a pumice stone. Pumice stone is quite abrasive and can scrub stains off of your ceramic. Before using, run the pumice under water, and make sure that the stone stays wet while you’re rubbing out a stain. Then, lightly scrub at the stained area of your ceramic sink. The pumice should remove the discoloration.

Be careful when using this method. If you apply a pumice stone to a ceramic sink, the stone may scratch or damage the surface. Begin by rubbing gently, and stop if you see any scratches forming.

How Unclogging a Bathroom Sink?

Pour boiling water down the drain. To remove stubborn buildups, start by boiling about ½ gallon (roughly 2 liters) of water and carefully pouring it down the drain. High temperature water will begin to break apart and dislodge the blockage. Plunge the drain. Encourage the buildup to proceed down the drain by plunging the drain 5 or 6 times. While this may not fully remove the buildup, it will help loosen it further. Use a plunger that can create an airtight seal over the opening of the drain.

Put baking soda in the drain. Slowly pour about 1 cup (220 grams) of baking soda into drain. Allow the baking soda to sit for a few minutes. Not only will the baking soda absorb unpleasant odors, it will help physically break apart the buildup.

Add vinegar. Pour 1 cup (240 ml) of distilled white vinegar into the drain after waiting a few minutes. The baking soda and vinegar will react with one another and begin to foam. Cover the drain, as this will encourage the baking soda and vinegar mixture to work it’s way into the clogged portion of the drain and break down the remaining blockage. Allow the mixture to sit in the drain for an hour or so.

Vinegar is also a natural deodorizer. Together, this mixture will also help remove any odor the deposit caused. Cider vinegar or lemon juice will work in lieu of white vinegar. After allowing the mixture to sit, rinse again with hot water. Repeat the process to eliminate residual odors.

Snake the drain. Stubborn deposits may require more physical disruption. Get a drain snake from your local hardware store. These are essentially long, thin strips of plastic with hooks on either side. Use it to break up and push or pull away any deposits that have clogged your drain. Keep inserting and removing the snake until no hair or clumps are attached to it when you pull it out.

Alternatively, you can bend a metal coat hanger so it has a hook at 1 end and use that. If it gets stuck, pull it out with a pair of needle-nose pliers. Follow this with a baking soda and vinegar soak to remove unpleasant odors.