
How Preparation of Install a Bathroom Fan?

Determine the correct CFM rating for your bathroom. The first thing you need to do when installing a new bathroom fan is determine the CFM rating for your bathroom, so you can buy the appropriate strength fan. CFM stands for “Cubic Feet per Minute” and refers to how much air the fan can move per minute. Small bathrooms will need low CFM fans, while larger bathrooms may require fans with a much higher CFM.

To calculate the CFM for your bathroom, multiply the room’s cubic footage (length x width x height). For example, if your bathroom measured 120 square feet, you would multiply that by the height of the ceiling (say 8′) to get 960. THEN divide by 7.5 to get a CFM rating of 128. You will find the CFM rating of a new fan printed on its box.

Consider the sound rating of your fan. The next thing to consider is the sound rating of your new fan, which is measured in sones. New fans usually have a sound rating somewhere between 0.5 (very quiet) and 6 (very loud) sones. Some people prefer to have very quiet fans, while others value the privacy offered by louder fans, especially in public areas of the home.

Like the CFM, the sone ratings of new fans will be printed on the box. Choose the location of the fan. The location of your bathroom fan is important. It should be installed at the center point between your shower and toilet for optimum ventilation. However, if your bathroom is very large, you may need to install more than one fan.

If you are installing a new fan, you will need to consider the layout of your attic, where the bulk of the fan will be located. It should be placed in the the space between two joists, in an area free from any pipes or other obstructions. If you are replacing an old fan, the easiest thing to do is just to put the new fan in same location (unless you have a very good reason for wanting it in a different spot).

How to Using Spice Racks to Add Storage Space?

Determine if spice racks will work in your bathroom. If you have wall space above your toilet, to the side of your mirror, or in a similar location in your bathroom, extra spice rack storage will likely work for you. Use a tape measure to measure the available space so you know what size shelf your bathroom can accommodate. The narrow design of most spice racks along with their usually raised edges, intended to keep spices from falling, are perfect for holding toiletries and bottles. Spice racks are great for holding makeup and other cosmetics.

Purchase suitable spice racks. Your bathroom may only be able to fit a single spice rack, or it may fit a few shelves, but in both cases you’ll need to go purchase a spice rack. Pre-made racks are available at many big box retailers, furniture stores, and hardware stores. Be sure to check the dimensions of potential shelves against the measurements you took earlier of your available spice rack space.

Measure and mark your spice rack placement. Use a pencil and a tape measure to mark the placement of your shelf or shelves on your bathroom wall. Try not to hang the racks too high or low, as will make them less convenient. Generally, two marks measured to the same height, one for the right end of your spice rack and the other for the left, will be sufficient for hanging.

The distance between your marks should be the same as the distance separating the holes that will attach your rack to the wall. Don’t hang the spice racks too close to an electrical outlet or light switch. You don’t want to accidentally drill through some wiring in the wall.

Install the spice racks. Depending on your spice rack, your method of installment will vary. In many cases, you’ll have to attach some hardware to your wall with a drill. This hardware, usually some kind of simple holding bracket, will then support the shelf or shelves. In other cases, you may have to screw your shelf directly into the wall with a drill. Hanging the spice rack on your own, while possible, may be difficult. A helper would likely make installing your shelf or shelves easier.

Check the levelness of the spice racks. Once the spice racks have been installed, take a carpenter’s level and check that your shelf or shelves are level. If your shelf is uneven, this could cause your toiletries to slant toward one end of the rack or the other. If your spice rack isn’t level, remove it from its hardware or the wall, adjust it slightly, re-check its levelness, and if it is level, reinstall the shelf.