
How to Arranging Accessories and Furniture in Your Bathroom?

Hang a tapestry or blanket on the wall. You can probably use nails or thumbtacks for lighter tapestries or blankets. For heavier ones, you can mount a curtain rod on the wall by following the instructions in the curtain rod’s packaging. Regardless, make sure to mark off where you want your tapestry or blanket beforehand to ensure that it is level when you hang it. If the tapestry or blanket is particularly delicate, you can stretch it over a frame and hang the frame. You can find frames at most craft stores.

Place hooks on the wall to hang plants and other decor. Mark the desired position of the hooks on your wall with a pencil beforehand. Try using a diamond or circle pattern. Then, drill a pilot hole, insert a drywall anchor, and screw your hooks into place. You can use the hooks to hang plants, baskets, framed art, or other items of your choosing. For a unique touch, you could use drawer knobs instead of hooks. Simply find drywall anchors your knobs can screw into, mount the anchors, and screw the knobs into the wall.

Keep a vase of flowers in your bathroom. Some flowers do particularly well in bathrooms, especially tropical ones. The combination of low light, high humidity, and warmth helps them thrive. Keep a vase of tropical flowers like orchids, chrysanthemums, begonias, or hibiscuses (or mix and match them) to give your white bathroom a pop of color.

To arrange your flowers in your vase, cut the stems at an angle to your desired height, then arrange the largest flowers in the center, and work outwards in a circle with progressively smaller blooms. If allergies are a concern or you’d rather not have to deal with flower upkeep, you can also use fake flowers, which can be purchased at most major craft stores. A bamboo or air plant is a good option for making your bathroom seem more spa-like! These do well in moist environments without much light.

Fill a basket with decorative soap bars and candles. You can find a basket you like and a variety of decorative soaps and candles at most major craft stores. Look in particular for soaps and candles in light colors to add a pop of color to your bathroom without overwhelming the white tones.

Arrange the candles in the center of the basket, and position the soap bars around them in a layered circle. Make sure that the designs on your decorative soap are visible from the basket. Find soaps and candles with floral or citrus scents like lilac, lavender, orange, or lemon to keep your bathroom smelling fresh year-round. Try putting the basket in different places around your bathroom to see how it looks. The best places are usually a windowsill, a shelf, or the back of your toilet.

How to Organize Your Bathroom?

It can be difficult to find what you need when your bathroom is cluttered. Organizing by type of product and using storage bins to keep similar items together can help you find what you’re looking for easily. Spending a few minutes each day to tidy up the bathroom will also prevent you from having to a do a major overhaul after this initial cleaning.

Remove all items from your bathroom. This includes items from the shower, counters, cabinets, and closets. Lay everything out on a flat surface or floor so you can see what you have. Sort items by type. For example: makeup, shampoo/conditioner, hair products, shaving products, soaps, lotions, medicine, first aid, oral hygiene, cleaning supplies, and anything else you happen to have. Throw away anything you don’t use. If you haven’t used it in a year, trash it. Throw away empty bottles or duplicates of stuff. This includes all expired products, including prescription and over-the-counter medicines.

Designate a storage bin for each category. Label each bin: prescriptions, over-the-counter medicines, first aid, soaps, hair products, lotion, shaving products, etc. Clear bins are best, as you will easily be able to see exactly what is inside them. Fill the bins. Keep similar items together. Small items can be grouped in plastic bags before added to the bins. Make a few first aid kits by category – minor scrape, sprain, major cut, etc. This helps you avoid having to weed through a large box of stuff for a bandage. Separate the medications by type (allergy, cold and flu, headache, etc.) and store them in small containers. Place barrettes on a decorative strand of ribbon. Keep bobby pins together by attaching them to a magnetic strip. Use a metal file box to hold hair irons. Keep a basket just for the samples you receive so you can put it out for guests to use.

Clean your bathroom thoroughly. Before you put the items back, clean the shower and tub, sink and counters, mirrors, toilet, and floors. Any room is much easier to clean when empty, and you’ll have your bathroom sparkling in a flash. Decide what will go where. Don’t replace any of your items yet. Just look at the bins you filled and decide where the best spot for each one is. Things you use every day should go in the bathroom closet and things you rarely use like extra shampoo or soap should go under the sink. Put towels and extra toilet paper on a shelf in the bathroom closet. Use organizers on the backs of the cabinet or closet doors to maximize your space. Fill them up with bottles, tub toys, and so on. Use a cutlery tray or a desk organizer in the drawer to organize your makeup.

Label the shelves in the closet and the medicine cabinet. This will make it easier to find and put away items and to know when an item needs replaced. Store only what you use often in the bathroom. Keep the excess in an overflow space. This goes for items like barrettes, too. If you have too many, place some in a plastic bag and tuck them away for future use so you can shop at home when you need more.