
How Using a Bleach Solution?

Open the windows and doors in the area for ventilation. When using bleach, it’s always a good idea to create good ventilation. Try to open as many nearby windows as you can, particularly if there’s one in the bathroom. If there’s not a window in the bathroom, place a fan blowing air out of the bathroom toward an open window.

Put on gloves and goggles. Choose gloves that won’t let the mold through, such as rubber cleaning gloves or latex gloves. Don’t touch the mold with your hands. Similarly, goggles are a good idea, as you don’t want to flip mold spores into your eyes accidentally. You may also want to wear a dust mask that filters out mold. These precautions will also protect you from the bleach.

Mix 1 cup (0.24 L) of bleach into 1 gallon (3.8 L) of water. Measure out the water first, and then pour the bleach into the water. Use a spoon or a paint stick to stir it together so it is is well mixed. Try not to splash it as you’re stirring. Make sure you never mix bleach with ammonia, as it creates toxic gases.

If you prefer, you can start out with an antifungal cleaning solution that doesn’t contain ammonia, then follow up with bleach after you get most of the mold off. Dip a sponge or cloth into the bleach solution and scrub down the mold. Squeeze out the excess and begin scrubbing the moldy areas. Knock off as much mold as you can and dip the cloth or sponge back into the bleach solution as needed.

You can also rinse out the cloth in running water before dipping it back in the solution so you’re not returning as much mold to your cleaning solution. Use a scrubbing brush where the mold won’t come off. If you have areas where you’re having trouble removing the mold, dip a toothbrush or other scrubbing brush into the cleaning solution. Run it over the moldy areas, using a small circular motion to get the mold off.

How to Make Your Apartment Bathroom Look and Feel Larger?

Unless you’re living in your own home, you may find yourself wishing for a larger bathroom. While it’s not a problem for homeowners to completely remodel and redecorate, apartment renters are rather limited. It can be a challenge, because you have to work with what is provided. There’s still a lot you can do without replacing tiles or knocking down walls.

With a little bit of planning, some creative organizational skills and clever use of color, you can easily make your apartment bathroom seem more spacious than it really is. These simple decorating tips are quick, easy, and best of all, cheap.

If your landlord approves, you may be able to paint. Colors of the same tone create an illusion of greater space. Choose soft, pale, neutral pastels for both the walls and the flooring. Use a large rug to cover dark or unflattering floor tiles. Bright, strong and exciting colors (such as red) should be saved for accessories and towels.

Mirrors provide an illusion of expansion without adding a single square foot. Consider a few small mirrors arranged artistically throughout the room. Replace a bulky medicine chest with a wall mirror. Store a first-aid kit in a kitchen cupboard. Try one full-length mirror on the back of the bathroom door.

A clean, neat bathroom will always look bigger. Yes, this means you’ll have to spend some serious time organizing your stuff. Cut down on the number of towels, rugs, pieces of art and decorative accessories. Use one large rug or runner instead of several small rugs.